
We produce our ingots in full compliance with the regulations in force regarding the protection of both the environment and the health and safety of workers.

Environmental protection

All our systems are equipped with emission abatement systems, constantly monitored to comply with the authorised emission parameters.

We have:

Integrated Environmental Authorisation (A.I.A.) - Italian Decree No. 1093 of 11/04/2018 - LUMEZZANE

Integrated Environmental Authorisation (A.I.A.) - Italia Decree No. 2219 of 25/06/2018 - MARCHENO

Authorisation for the transport of non-hazardous waste - Authorisation No. MI44681 of 26/05/22

Category 8 - Brokerage and trade of waste without detention - Category F Authorisation No. MI44681 of 20/09/22

We are subject to the Seveso Directive – Risk of Significant Accident (Italian Legislative Decree 334-99 as amended) for the quantities of materials present in the production site classified as Dangerous for the environment.. For this reason, we have adopted a Safety Management System with which we guarantee the control and management of risk through management and operational procedures.

Maximum attention to quality

The quality of our ingots is ensured by the analyses carried out constantly during the fusion with quantometer and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.. We also carry out checks with the microscope to guarantee the quality of the alloy refinement.

We have:

ISO 9001 certification for quality

ISO 14001 certification for environmental protection

EU Regulation of 25 June 2013 certification, No. 715/2013/EU, establishing the criteria for determining when copper scrap ceases to be waste under Directive 2008/98/EC

REACH Declaration

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